Stowing beer in cave under V-Berth
Friday, June 9, 2017 All of the necessary projects and repairs were finally completed on Friday, June 9, which is Jeff's birthday. Jeff started organizing and deciding on tools that should go with us. The picture shows Barbie storing 24 bottles of home brew to give as gifts. At 5:00 pm we went to The Nickel Taphouse in Mt. Washington to celebrate Jeff's birthday. We came home, took items to Aisling, "stuffed" it aboard, working till about Midnight. We left Aisling and slept at home.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
The next morning we took Hans and Greta and a few more things to Aisling. We got underway at 1:20 pm. We were going 3,000 RPM, 8.5 knots, our preferred speed. Barbie was at the helm, as Jeff worked on the navigation. At 2:00 pm we saw the special red white and blue navigation buoy. This special buoy marks the place where Francis Scott Key, on a British boat during the War of 1812, saw that the US flag was still on the fort. He then penned the words for our National Anthem.
View of Fort McHenry near the special buoy
Barbie throttled back to 2000 RPM, 6.1 knots and the temperature gradually cooled down to 210°F.
This was very disturbing news. However, since by going slower the temperature was acceptable, we decided to continue.
The weather and wind of less than 10 knots made for a great sailboat day. However, it was a bit lumpy for a powerboat.
We anchored in Fairlee Creek, which is near Chestertown, MD. Thirty-seven years ago on our first sailboat, a 25 foot Rainbow, we anchored here for our first anchorage. We had our children Emily and Eric (ages 8 and 5) with us. Fairlee Creek became one of our favorite anchorages. It was a lovely night, a light breeze, warm, but not hot temperatures. We took the dinghy and puppies ashore several times, and had a nice night of sleeping.
Puppies sleeping in our bed.
Anchorage at Fairlee Creek
Sunday, June 11, 2017
After a breakfast of sausage, egg in a hole (Jeff) oat bran and blueberries (Barbie) we dinghied ashore with Hans and Greta. We continued north to the Bohemia River, about 10 miles from the C&D (Chesapeake and Delaware) Canal. Jeff had contacted the America's Great Loop Cruisers' Association (AGLCA) Host asking about a marina with a diesel mechanic. He suggested the Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbor (BBYH) which had a slip available. We contacted the mechanic who would work on Aisling's overheating problem. The day was extremely hot (in the nineties)! The dogs were panting and drinking a lot of water. We used the AC but the inside temperature was still in the low 80's. The marina grounds are large and spacious. Hans enjoyed walking. We enjoyed talking with other boat owners.
Barbie with Aisling at BBYH
Monday, June 12, 2017
We again had a nice breakfast and spent the morning waiting for the mechanic. He finally came around noon. After talking with us he and the marina manager convinced us that we should return to Tidewater. We had waited so long before they were able to work on Aisling the first time (May 10 until June 4) we were hesitant to go back. However, Jeff called and they agreed that we would be considered "a work in progress" and get to us right away.
We slowly (about 6 knots and 1900 RPM) motored back. We left at 2:00 pm and arrived at Tidewater just as the sun was setting (9:00 pm).
Waiting for more engine work
So back at Tidewater Yacht Service, we are waiting for more engine work. We expect the mechanic to replace the engine thermostat. Hopefully we will be on our way again soon.